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Homemade Sweet Potato Tacos with Red Chili & Avocado

Zhoro Apostolov

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


vegan tacos, sweet potato tacos



1½ cups all-purpose flour

1½ cups mashed sweet potatoes


Coleslaw (1 cup shredded red cabbage, 1 cup shredded carrots, ½ cup shredded apple, a bit of fresh parsley and 1 tbsp vegan sour cream)

1 cup chanterelle mushrooms

1 spicy red chili

1 avocado


• Mix the flour with the mashed sweet potatoes until a dough is formed.

• Roll it out with a rolling pin and divide into 4 equal parts. Each part should be the shape of a pancake, about ½-inch thick.

• The taco should be cooked in a hot nonstick pan, without any oil, for 1 minute on each side.

• When a taco is ready, put it on a plate and cover with a towel so it doesn’t dry out and keeps its elasticity.

• Cook the chanterelle mushrooms, cut into small pieces, in a pan with a bit of vegetable oil and season them with salt and black pepper. It takes 3-4 minutes.

• Assemble the tacos, finishing them with freshly chopped red chili and a spoon of sour cream.

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