Spiced Avocado Garden Boat with Hummus & Pesto
Anneke Lemmer Coetzee
Food Stylist, Photographer and Recipe Creator
Instagram: @lemonswiththyme

1 avocado (cut in half. remove pit) ̈2 tsp hummus ̈2 tsp pesto 1 tsp sumac spice
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp dried herbs 1 tsp sesame seeds
1 tsp black pepper
Spring mixed greens
̈Pinch of salt

Start at the tip oft the avocado.
Place a chefs knife blade in a straight line gently touching the avocado leaving about 1 inch of the tip of the avocado exposed. Sprinkle the sumac on the avocado until it is covered completely.
On the other side of the blade sprinkle a thin line (about 1⁄2 inch thick) of turmeric spice.
Take away the knife.
You should have a straight line between Sumac and Turmeric.
Repeat with the ginger, dried herbs, black pepper and sesame seeds.
Repeat with other half of Avocado.
Add 1 tsp hummus and 1 teaspoon pesto inside the hole of the avocado halves.
Take a few small spring mix greens and stick them into the sauce in the hole of avocado so it looks like the leaves are growing out of the avocado.
Eat and enjoy! It’s like creamy flavor bomb in your mouth