Katie Cleary on Being a Voice for the Voiceless and How She Stays Centered
Katie Cleary: Model. Actress. Philanthropist. Filmmaker. Peace 4 Animals Founder.

Maranda Pleasant: What makes you come alive or inspires you?
Katie Cleary: Being a voice for the voiceless and raising awareness for animal welfare. Creating a positive change in this world to pass down for future generations.
MP: If you could say something to everyone on the planet, what would it be?
KC: I love the quote that Esai Morales said at the end of Give Me Shelter, “Live simply so that others can simply live.”
MP: How do you keep your center in the middle of chaos? Do you have a daily routine?
KC: I love to have a place to go at the end of a busy work week that is relaxing and serene. For me, that is usually by the ocean relaxing at the beach and getting outdoors hiking with my pups. That is when I’m truly at one with the earth and when I find my peace.
MP: What’s been one of your biggest lessons so far in life?
KC: Don’t be afraid to let go and love, take chances, travel the world, and live life every day as if it was your last, because we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.

MP: What truth do you know for sure?
KC: That there is a God and that it is very important to have a passion and purpose for something greater than yourself in life and to give back!
MP: What is love for you?
KC: Love is a feeling that you get in your heart when you’re with someone that you care for deeply. When two souls connect and you feel like you found the missing piece that you’ve always been searching for. It is a very powerful feeling that can take you over when you’re with that person. You want to be around them all the time. You feel complete when you’re with them. They are your soulmate.
MP: Causes or organizations that you’re passionate about?
KC: My cause and passion has always been animal welfare and focusing on helping animals through my organization Peace 4 Animals. Our goal is to impact people on a global scale and create positive change to help protect the planet and its precious animals so we can all live together in peace.
MP: Tell me if you have a yoga or mindfulness practice. What influence has it had on your life?
KC: I love yoga. I feel at peace and it definitely helps to clear my mind after a hectic schedule. I feel it’s important to meditate; praying is my meditation and I do that to keep connected with God.
MP: Tell me about your latest projects.
KC: I just finished producing the award-winning documentary Give Me Shelter that premiered on Netflix in May. I will be shooting the film The Wind Of Heaven directed by Stephen Savage this October about saving the wild mustangs in Montana. I am working with Peace 4 Animals partner Social Compassion In Legislation on a resolution to the Humane and Environmental Educational Act in California. I am also launching the new site WorldAnimalNews.com which will be like the CNN for animal welfare on a global scale.
Katie Cleary is a Model/Actress turned Philanthropist/Filmmaker. Katie got her first break in entertainment on the hit TV show America’s Next Top Model. Her most recent accolades include roles on How To Get Away With Murder and Two And A Half Men. Katie founded the animal welfare organization Peace 4 Animals in 2012. She just finished producing her first documentary, Give Me Shelter.